Sunday, June 14, 2009


So bear with me a moment while I have my little tirade. I came home tonight from a wonderful Sunday spent going to church and being filled with the spirit and spending time with my wonderful husband and my in laws. A great day i even had visting teachers over the lord was truly blessing this day. and then I come home to find Anti Mormon Literature on my doorstep. I was Floored someone had the gall to attack my religion! on a Sunday no less!!! Now those of you who know me know that I generally am a tolerant person. I am not one to say be Mormon or go to hell. I am not one to attack any other religion. I simply believe what i believe and if you don't then i am okay with that. Do people have a right to knock on my door or come up to me on the street or at work and tell me there beliefs and how they feel? ABSOLUTELY! I enjoy that same right to share my testimony with whomever will listen. But should they or I be allowed to attack another religion? I believe that answer is NO! I was so truly offended that they would come under the cover of darkness and try to tell my how wrong my religion is. And please let me make it clear that they are free to believe whatever they want and I am accepting of that but i do not understand why they have to tear our religion apart and make false accusations against it. this is not the way it should be. We should be a more tolerant a more peaceable a more loving people. We are faced with difficult times and I know they are going to get even more difficult, I guess that's why this makes me so crazy, We should not being tearing each other down we should be helping each other and lifting each other up regardless of Race or Religion.

1 comment:

  1. HUGS sorry your lovely day was ruined. Don't let them get to you. It's only their opinion and lies, and that doesn't make the gospel any less true. "No matter how hard the wind blows, the mountain cannot be moved by it." Love ya!
